DiaMiGo "Dialogue on Migration Governance in the Euro-Mediterranean Region" is a cooperation project between the University of Cologne and the American University in Cairo

Funded by DAAD / Auswärtiges Amt

About DiaMiGo

DiaMiGo is an Egyptian-German Cooperation project between the University of Cologne and the American University in Cairo.
The project seeks to establish a cultural exchange between Egyptian and German students and young scholars by building up a research network focusing on global challenges, capabilities and infrastructures of migration.
The aim is to explore current changes and discussions being held around migration dialogue between Europe and the North African Mediterranean world.

Our Mission

As migration and the questions surrounding the movement of people changes over time the dialogue between countries of the Mediterranean regarding these topics is in a constant state of flux. Much of it has been formed by neo-colonial approaches in border externalization and so-called “development aid”. Since the early 2000s, the European Union has successively advanced its migration and border politics on the African continent. Numerous bilateral agreements have been concluded between individual countries, and the EU participates in regional dialogues to harmonize migration policy approaches.

Research Topics

Map overlay of ©Matthew Harpster's Ancient Shipwrecks and OKilin's Shipmap of Contemporary Maritime Transport (Originally from Holdermann et al. 2020: 187)


Project Coordinator

Karim Zafer
Telefon: +49 (0) 160 978 39 549
E-Mail: k.zafer@verw.uni-koeln.de

Project Coordinator In Cairo

Elena Habersky
E-Mail: emhabersky@aucegypt.edu