Migration & Religion

Exploring the intricate relationship between migration and religion, the research topic "Migration & Religion" delves into the multifaceted dynamics shaping the experiences of mobile communities. Contrary to Eurocentric perspectives that predominantly analyze West and Central African migration to Morocco as a consequence of Europe's southern 'frontier zone,' this research re-centers the analysis on South-South dynamics. It challenges existing narratives by emphasizing the role of religious sites and spaces in shaping multidirectional migration practices and life experiences within and beyond Morocco.

One aspect highlighted in the research presented to us by scholars such as Johara Berriane is the intersection of religious and migration infrastructures, highlighting the influence of religious places, presence, and sense-making in African migrant trajectories. Ethnographic research conducted in a Muslim Tidjani shrine in Fès and in charismatic house churches in Rabat and Casablanca forms the basis for this exploration.

Another dimension of the research, which Gerda Heck introduced us to, delves into the Congolese Christian revival church communities that have emerged globally due to increasing migratory movements from Congo. In response to more restrictive Global North migration policies, Congolese migrants have altered their strategies, leading to circuitous journeys and targeting new destinations. The study reveals how Congolese Christian revival parishes serve as infrastructural actors, holding together mobile communities across different countries and continents. Drawing on the concept of "people as infrastructure," the presentation demonstrates how religious gatherings and the use of mobile phones and social media create an infrastructure that meets the needs of migrants, influencing their movement and residence along migratory routes.

The research underscores the intertwining of religion, migration, and personal aspirations, providing insights into the complexities of these correlations. By challenging prevailing perspectives and centering the analysis on the lived experiences of migrants, the exploration of Migration & Religion contributes to a nuanced understanding of the profound ways in which religious practices and beliefs intersect with the migratory journeys of diverse communities.